Basic Studio Lighting Workshop
This one day workshop is designed to introduce studio lighting to photographers who have never been in the studio.
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Light, Language and Line – The Art of Studio Lighting and the Fine Art Nude
This 2½ day hands-on intensive workshop with Steve Richard will increase your understanding and mastery of advanced studio lighting concepts through the creation of art rather than the process of simply capturing an image. The goal of the workshop is to give participants a firm understanding of shooting fine art nudes in various studio lighting environments and to introduce a new way of seeing. This course is targeted at photographers with some studio lighting experience who are looking to push their lighting knowledge to the extreme. Studio experience is not a prerequisite however; beginners with little or no studio experience will still benefit from this workshop. In addition to lighting this workshop will also focus on being able to understand the use of body language and line to create/reinforce the story of the image.
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